Stretch film

Our company uses only high-quality and food grade polyethylene for the production of our STRETCH FILM. 
Stretch film is widely used for packing different products and box, including pallet wrapping. Our stretch film is suitable for both manual and machine usage.


  • suitable for food packaging,
  • flexible and stretchy,
  • strong and elastic,
  • self-adhering,
  • resistant to various adverse factors: heat, cold, moisture, dust, etc.

Polyethylene stretch film is indispensable for packing goods during storage and transportation. It is used to wrap goods collectively or on a pallet, making up a whole package that is protected from different external factors, loss and mechanical damage. 


  • food packaging,
  • pallet wrapping,,
  • furniture wrapping,
  • equipment packaging etc.

A declaration is available that our stretch film meets the safety requirements for food packaging.


code ՍՊ-0
length 50cm, 30cm