Masking tape

Masking tape has crepe paper as its base coated with a rubber adhesive. It is widely used in painting and other indoor finishing works.
The main features are:
- No glue residue after removing from the surface. Maximum temperature resistance: 60°C, the tape will need to be removed no later than one hour.
- Applicable on wood, metal, paper, glass, plastic and other surfaces. The surface must be clean.
- Flexible: can be applied to angled, dented and other uneven surfaces.
- Suitable for labeling – can be written on with a pen, pencil, marker, etc.

The common applications are:
- Masking surfaces during painting, varnishing, plastering and other coating works.
- Temporary sealing of joints between windows, door frames and walls.
- Sealing of lightweight cartons and small boxes.
- Protection of various surfaces from scratching during construction or transportation.


code ՊԱ-55 ՊԱ-51 ՊԱ-47 ՊԱ-54 ՊԱ-50 ՊԱ-46 ՊԱ-53 ՊԱ-49 ՊԱ-45 ՊԱ-49/1 ՊԱ-52 ՊԱ-48 ՊԱ-16
inch 1″ 1″ 1″ 1.5″ 1.5″ 1.5″ 2″ 2″ 2″ 2″ 3″ 3″ 3″
length 25mm*13m 25mm*22m 25mm*36m 36mm*13m 36mm*22m 36mm*36m 50mm*13m 50mm*22m 50mm*36m 50mm*50m 69mm*13m 69mm*22m 69mm*36m